I Want to Strangle Him...Sometimes


I love my sons, but my goodness there are times I want to strangle them. Then, sometimes, they show us why it's worth it.

Our youngest son is the perfect age to start pushing our buttons by constantly challenging us and generally being a little shit. We went through it with our oldest, and now we're starting to go through it with our youngest too.

It's a roller-coaster. Sometimes I want to kill him, other times he makes me belly laugh. Lately he's been really pushing our buttons and as a result there's been far more "I want to kill that kid" than "awwww isn't he funny though".

Last night we had a particularly challenging night. He was just a prick the entire time, and flat out refused to do a lot of what we asked him to do. Needless to say, there was lots of shouting.

Then I got to my home office this morning and this note was on my desk:

A multi-coloured message from my son with lots of kisses, that reads "I love you Dad"

OK, maybe he isn't a total prick. ❤️

Kev Quirk

18 Oct 2024 at 11:25

Reading Old Posts


Do you ever go back and read your old posts? I do it now and again and I always discover something I forgot I wrote.

I've always said that the content I write here, first and foremost, is for me. A very close second are all the fine people, like you, that read my drivel. With that in mind I occasionally like to go back and read some of the stuff I've written.

Sometimes that's perusing through the chronological list of posts, and other times (to be honest, most of the time) it's using my random post link.

Over the years I've written hundreds of posts on this site, and of all that content, I can only remember a small fraction of those posts. That's because they're often something that's on my mind at the time, and I inevitably move on with my life and forget what I wrote. So it's fun to go back now and then.

I was doing that last night before bed and I came across a few posts that I had completely forgotten I'd written. For example this post where I stew on whether to start a new blog for my various interests, or whether I just categorise posts on a single site. I thought that was quite timely, given my previous post Why Have Multiple Blogs?

Do you go back and read your old posts? If not, you should try it.

By the way, if you want to peruse a random post on this site, hit the button below.

Read a random post...

Kev Quirk

15 Oct 2024 at 20:15

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