GoBlog can show GPX tracks as SVG now


After my bike tour on Monday, I first felt the usual exhaustion, but later that evening and night, more symptoms joined and showed me, that I, again (third time already this year), caught some infection. Nothing too bad, but it forced me to relax and recover the last two days.

As I can’t watch YouTube or sleep the whole day, I endeavored a little new task. Andrés asked me if I could implement something like James Van Dyne has: A SVG representation of a GPX track.

What was already possible with GoBlog is displaying an interactive map (see my linked post above). However, this has some privacy implications, as you could find out where I live exactly. It is possible to disable the interactive map, but then saving the GPX in GoBlog has no real use.

Taking inspiration from James, I implemented the SVG representation as well. It will be shown when the interactive map is disabled for a post.

As my brain is a bit foggy currently, I asked Claude AI for help, because it usually provides me better programming help than ChatGPT. And it actually provided some adequate code drafts and also helped me customize and refactor the code. After asking why the SVG looked different from the polyline on the Leaflet map, it also provided my with some code for the Web Mercator projection, which I wouldn’t be able to implement in my current state myself. In the end, the SVG generation is less than 35 lines of Go code and is done on-the-fly when rendering a post page.

The SVG is also rendered in GoBlog’s editor preview and finally gives me a way to check the pasted GPX before publishing the post.

(I hope this post makes sense, foggy brain etc…)

Interactions & Comments

Jan-Lukas Else

24 Jul 2024 at 18:21

Post-vacation bike tour


Today was my first workday after summer vacation, and with the weather being pleasant – not too hot, and no rain – I decided to finish work a bit early and go for a 39-kilometer bike tour through the surrounding area.

The first half of the ride was mostly uphill (since it’s a low mountain range) and somewhat demotivating as I was slower than I wanted to be. City traffic, suboptimal bike infrastructure, and traffic lights added to the delays. However, after a quick stop at a castle to take a picture, the second half of the ride, which was mostly downhill and with better infrastructure, was much more enjoyable.

This trip taught me that hard times are often followed by rewarding experiences. It can’t always be easy.

Or can it be? Maybe I should take my bike with me the next time I go to my second flat for more than just three days, as the area there has far fewer hills and mountains.

A picture of the Schloss Wilhelmsthal near Kassel, Germany

Interactions & Comments

Jan-Lukas Else

22 Jul 2024 at 19:43

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Colin Walker Colin Walker colin@colinwalker.blog