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I have taken all this week off work to help out with Harry but have also been taking advantage of the time to do a bit of work on the site, tidying some things up and looking at how I can further build out the integrated Garden-like approach.

The page to display posts from on individual label is essentially complete, including pagination. I'm now working on a page to act as a new home for all labels and threads, essentially a replacement for the Garden; somewhere to begin an exploration of thought and ideas.

I came across Bobbie Johnson's blog called Start Here. As with most sites, the page title links back to the homepage but as the page title is "Start Here" I thought that was an excellent play on the convention. It's a call to action. I'm considering calling the Garden replacement "Start Here" – a place where someone can get away from the chronological blog format and get lost amongst the thoughts, snippets and theads.

Things are very much work in progress but I like the idea of having these different views sit alongside the blog, different presentations of some of the same material, just a little more structured.

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The S Pen has had the effect I hoped it would: it now feels strange when I type on the phone. Writing, even though on a screen, feels so natural that I can't imagine not doing so.

It makes me wonder about the likely state of foldables in a couple of years when I'm due to upgrade next. Being able to write on a tablet sized screen with the same fluidity and convenience as this will be a big draw for me. Currently, I don't think foldables are where they need to be (both cost and durability) but who knows once Samsung reach the fifth generation.

The perfect blend of analogue and digital has revitalised my writing and I am jotting down far more in the Journal because of it. My handwriting is still bad, and I'm still having to go back and make corrections more than I'd like, but I have already improved things such that my scrawl is recognised more frequently than before. It will take a bit longer but I'm sure I'll get to a point where those corrections will be minimal.

It seems such a silly thing to be so excited about but I genuinely believe that this is a game changer for me.

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