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A GitHub repository for the (b)log-In system is now live which includes basic installation and usage instructions in the readme.

I changed my mind.

I'm not sure if this will be just a one-time thing or whether I will keep it up to date with any changes. I don't necessarily expect anyone else to use it (it is very specific to my needs) but I have had a number of people ask about how I did certain things so thought I might as well put it out there. If you spot any issues or just have questions feel free to raise an issue, ask here or drop me a mail – colin @ this domain.

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Enclosures look to be working!

It was easy adding support to /reader, just a case of checking for the enclosure tag in an item, but having enclosures in my own posts was a little more challenging.

I've opted to add them using a new content filter and then process that in different ways based on where it is.

On the blog the filter is simply replaced with an audio tag. No problem there. For the RSS feed, however, I jump through a few hoops:

  • remove the filter from the post content so it's not duplicated
  • convert the URL of the enclosure file to a physical path
  • use filesize() and mime_content_type() to get the required info from the file
  • construct an enclosure tag with url, length, and type parameters
  • add that to the feed item

It's a little convoluted but seems to work okay and allows me to keep the same posting workflow, just with a different content filter.

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The days and months continue to zoom by, so much so that it's already 6 months since I switched to using (b)log-In.

6 months!

How is that even possible?

Although 2021 has seen restrictions in place it feels different to 2020 but the time dilation effect is still in force as though Covid has a massive gravitational pull drawing everything towards it. I suppose, in a sense, it has – the world's focus has very much been on this one thing for so long that everything else has faded into the background.

Building and tweaking this platform has been an escape, something else to think about amidst all the chaos.

About Random posts

Random posts now show two completely random posts.

The hope is that doing will throw up unexpected synchronicities between items or juxtapose them in such a way as to foster new ideas.
