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Spent a couple of hours working on a track using the Behringer Edge in a minor capacity — just starting to get the feel of it. I was originally just mucking about but a couple of #acid lines took shape and, before you know it, a full track emerged.

It need some further tweaks and a couple of "extras" but I'm really happy with it, especially as it's 140BPM and I usually struggle to make something I like at that tempo.

27/12/2023 12:25am

Started a new musical experiment last night: stripping everything back to the bare bones with just one drum machine per track and one TD-3. Pure, simple #acid with no complications.

It's an exercise in creative restriction that, I'm hoping, will help me improve.

I often try to over-complicate things so this will be the complete antithesis of the way I usually work.

13/08/2023 10:48am
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