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2 comments: click to read or leave your own

It's been the perfect weather combination ... for weeds.

I cut the front grass not long ago, pulling the stuff that shouldn't be there but rain followed by some hot, sunny days meant those pesky weeds just seemed to appear from nowhere. I cut that all back again yesterday.

This morning has had me out the back pulling up all sorts of stuff. I'm probably about half way done but it's gotten too hot to be out there comfortably.

Maybe this year will be the one where I actually keep on top of the garden. As I've said before, I'm a reluctant gardener at best. Maybe it's because I don't know much about it and so just see it as a chore.

# I've been spending some more time with the new old track, making more tweaks and adding additional layers. I'm pleased to announce that a 'final' version is now up on Bandcamp on a free/pay what you want basis.

It'll be okay

It'll be okay cover image

This was always intended to be the last track on the 'mental health' E.P. with a more euphoric vibe. I think I've done it justice and am really pleased with how it's turned out.


Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

I don't know that I'm a big acid-house fan, Colin, but that was pretty fun to listen to through some decent headphones! Lots of cool sounds in there.

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks Chris 🙏

It turned out better than I could have hoped considering where it started.

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