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As I'm going to be off work for four weeks the doctor insisted I build some kind of structure into my days rather than letting them trickle by with no purpose.

After dropping family members off at work and nursery (both the same in the case of my daughter) I will be taking a morning walk. Sometimes that will be just to nip to a local shop, others — like today — to have a drink in Starbucks and get a few bits from the supermarket.

I'm typing this as I sit with my coffee. It's a typical coffee shop scene with some people working on their laptops 1 — two of those on video calls. All other customers are sat chatting in groups of two except for one woman sat over by the window with an open A4 notepad on her lap, frantically tapping on her phone.

I've also got slots in my plan for housework and the garden including various jobs that need to be done around the house.

Of course, there will be time for making music. I have a couple of tracks that need finishing so that I can finally release the Mental Health EP.

As part of the new routine I think I'll be making more regular time for writing; not the ad hoc posting I usually do but more focused time to really get my thoughts down. Whether that's blog posts or in the Journal will be on a case by case basis.

Time to get the shopping.

  1. 2 MacBooks, a Surface Pro, and 2 HPs 

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