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2 comments: click to read or leave your own

As expected, I'm going to be changing my meds and switching to a different SSRI. I've got to come off the vortioxetine over the next few days, wait a week, then start on the new ones: sertraline.

Because I've been feeling pretty bad, and changing meds can make this worse in the short term, I've been signed off of work for four weeks. Work is one of my biggest stressors so avoiding that while managing the switch will be key.

Hopefully the bruxism won't continue on the new pills.

We discussed autism and ADHD further with the doctor and I was given some forms to fill in, lots of questions on behaviour etc. I have exceeded the initial referral threshold for both — don't think there was ever really any doubt in that regard.

# I've never wanted a tattoo before but recently I've been feeling the urge. So, as a late Father's Day present, I'm going to have one on my inner forearm. It's a mix of a classic "Harvey Ball" mouth and more modern acid smiley eyes.

Smiley face tattoo with a traditional

My midlife crisis doesn't involve flashy red sports cars, just synths and smiley face.

# And here's the new artist logo using the smiley created for the tattoo:

Smiley face overlaid on a blurred segment of a Behringer TD-3
Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

"My midlife crisis doesn't involve flashy red sports cars, just synths and smiley face."

Probably a bit cheaper than a sports car, too. 😆

Colin Walker replied:

True, but if I had my way ... 🤣

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