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3 comments: click to read or leave your own

I've had a couple of days off work as we were originally planning on attending UK Games Expo. Due to various issues we couldn't go — it's probably for the best.

Both yesterday and today I have ended up taking my daughter and Harry to hospital. He has tonsillitis and a fever but keeps going blue and shaking.

The doctor yesterday was fairly useless so, today, we're at a different hospital as we were advised against returning to the same A&E department. Hopefully they'll be a bit more thorough today and not just fob it off as having a temperature.

# He has been referred to paediatrics but that's at the other hospital 🙄

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

Ugh. Sorry to hear that, Colin. I used to hate when my kids got fevers—and, worse, when doctors/hospitals didn’t deal with stuff well. It’s frequently an uphill battle getting decent care.

Colin Walker replied:

Once we got on to the paediatric ward they were pretty good and actually explained stuff rather than fob us off.

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

That’s good to hear. It can be very hit or miss here—but, to be fair, that’s probably because we have a real shortage of doctors and nurses, so the ones we do have are overworked.

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