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2 comments: click to read or leave your own

It turns out that Harry has a condition called acrocyanosis — about 5% of kids have it — where hands, feet and parts of the face can go blue, especially in response to high temperatures. They usually grow out of it while still fairly young.

# The monthly backup is done, can't believe it's June already.

# A couple of strange things have started happening on the site and I can't remember when they started or what I might have changed to cause them.

Firstly, a search is no longer paginating the results correctly. It shows how many pages there should be but then lists all results on each of those pages.

Next, seemingly at random, logging in will result in a new draft post being created. There is nothing on the blog page that should cause this.

I'll get round to fixing them at some point.

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

Good to know what it is, and that he’ll likely grow out of it. The symptoms sounded pretty scary.

Colin Walker replied:

Yeah, it was pretty worrying — turning blue is never a good thing — but good to know it's not something bad.

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