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Like Colin Devroe - Dear Arc...

Some great points made here.

No one wants yet another company relying on advertising and, so far, The Browser Company have maintained that this will not be an option. I hope so.

A reliable business model is needed to reduce the risk of having ads as a fallback. But, from a purely selfish perspective, I want Arc to stick around as I enjoy using it.

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Over the past few days I have been wrestling with the weeds in the back garden. I'd like to be able to say that it was a re-wilding thing but I'd be lying.

To paraphrase the well known saying (whomever it is actually attributed to) I don't like to garden but love having gardened.

I don't like the endless cycle of gardening but get some degree of satisfaction from accomplishing a particular task – like clearing weeds. I enjoy sitting in a neat and tidy garden but would prefer it if someone else got it that way.

Regardless, I have set myself the goal of spending at least 30 minutes a day out there, weather permitting, to get things sorted.

Pulling weeds, being fully present for the task, is meditative. Consequently, I have been out longer than expected each time I have donned my gloves.

Once the weeding is finished I need to cut the grass, refresh the planters, then empty and dismantle an old shed.

Then I'll be able to sit back and enjoy 'having gardened'. At least for a little while.

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