I stumbled across a nice app in the Play Store last night: ruff.
It's a note taking app (yeah, yeah) that's billed as "a writer's best companion" – and that's just the start of the dog inspired branding which is pretty fun.
Still, rather than just a normal notes app, it's actually a take on the "spark file" approach to note taking: "a single sheet of text". The difference, however, is that you can stash those sheets (archive), starts fresh one and come back to them (fetch – the dog theme continues) later. Everything can be exported as plain text files.
What I especially like about it is the overall aesthetic typified by the natural language settings:

It's a nice touch that a lot of apps could learn from.
The question remains, will I use it? I don't know. I've got /notes which serves as my go to place for such things. I've installed so many notes apps over the years and invariably uninstalled them again within a matter of minutes – ruff has stayed on my phone, so who knows?
Maybe it will inspire me to create a "spark file" type feature on the site.