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For someone who says he doesn't remember his dreams, their recall is becoming more frequent. Last night, I dreamt that I was in a leafy suburb of New York on "The Protest Bus" – also known as "The P.E. Bus" because Chuck D from Public Enemy had bought and repurposed it to raise awareness of racial injustice. The bus had somehow been involved in the death of a black youth and was deemed a fitting vehicle (if you'll pardon the pun) for spreading the word.

The inside was all covered in Hip Hop style graffiti on a mainly yellow background – I don't know why the background colour mattered but it seemed to at the time. Chuck D himself was on the bus. I recall looking around at the other passengers, wondering why they were there and vowing to wait and take photos once everyone else had gotten off. I didn't and was annoyed at myself for not doing so.

The bus was taking us to some kind of event at a community centre, no doubt related to the cause. I walked up to a table where people were taking names and supplying badges but that's where the dream tailed off. I then just have vague memories of realising my phone had been recording video whilst on the bus giving me glances of things I didn't notice at the time, allowing me to clip images of the things I had wanted to capture, and Chuck D pulling a very strange face.

Make of that what you will.

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I made a couple of changes to (b)log-In last night which have now been synched to the repository:

  • updated the search page so that results are correctly displayed when posts have titles
  • added a new random journal entry page

I had forgotten to update how search results were presented when working on the new post titles method so they were showing with an unexpected '>' character. It's good to have that fixed.

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This looks interesting. I read a number of the books in the Wheel of Time series but, if memory serves, only got to book 10. It'll be fun to see what Amazon have done with it.

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