After adding the per-post title toggle I got to wondering how I could make things even simpler. Or, at least, provide more choice.
Inspired by the likes of Drafts and Ulysses, I thought it might be nice to use the first line of a post as the title if it was marked up as a Markdown H1 tag.
If a post is written in this way, the blog and drafts pages (along with the RSS feed generators) check the content and separate out the title before reconstructing the remaining text as the content:
$post_array = explode("\n", $content);
$size = sizeof($post_array);
if (substr($post_array[0], 0, 2) == "# ") {
$length = strlen($post_array[0]);
$required = $length - 2;
$post_title = substr($post_array[0], 2, $required);
$title_in_body = true;
$content = '';
for ($i = 2; $i < $size; $i++) {
$content .= $post_array[$i];
It's always good to have a choice.