# When my RSS reader gets empty I tell myself that I need more blogs to follow, to find more interesting people writing interesting things.
I'm currently only following 44 blogs so am always on the lookout or accepting recommendations. It used to be hundreds back before "the great purge" when I cleaned out my feeds and before a lot of people stopped posting in the social media gold rush.
Small fry.
Then I remember that I've got a stack of books sitting unread, a lot of which I've bought this year to be read this year in my drive to, well, read more.
But there are times when a book just feels like too much - a blog post can be finished in next to no time, it's standalone, no big commitment, convenient. With a book you're always looking to reach the end of the current section or chapter so as not to stop at artificial break points.
This is why I need to consume more books, to build up my reading muscles again after so many years of letting them atrophy.
I'm still on the lookout for good blogs though.
Reading this post I've given myself the challenge to look just at my own subscriptions and choose just one to recommend. It is an agonizing task. But I've chosen Brain Pickings by Maria Popova, which you may already have in your list. I've been subscribed to it for years and have linked to it many times.
It seems like it may be of interest to you because it often leads to reading other information and books and articles in order to get the full context.
Hope all is well.
Thanks Colin. You're right, it is of interest and I've been a long time subscriber via email. The effort she puts in and the depth is extraordinary. I must buy her book at some point.
Hej Colin, how about adding a blogroll [again]? I mean it’s hard to get recommendations when everybody hides the own feeds, no? ? (And yes I’m aware that my own is far behind – the list of blogs I read changes so much that I really need an automated sync to blogroll for this o0)
@colinwalker I’m on the hunt as well. Please share if you find some good stuff.
I removed the blogroll from the links in the footer to both clean things up and stop sharing out of date/incomplete information. It's still available via the direct link as the plugin is still enabled but very lacking. Maybe I could do a regular export of my feeds to OPML and link to that but wonder if that's too much work to both maintain and check.
Cool! Going to check the blogs later too. Looks like a well curated list.
Over the past couple of weeks I've been open to new blogs and, while not actively searching, come across a couple of new additions which are now firmly among my regular reads. Firstly, David Kanigan's Live & Learn is about nothing yet everything, a truly personal blog in which he writes about running, nature, people, life. His style is refreshing, irreverent, conversational, very much note-to-self but in such a way that you take a lot from it. Then there's David Johnson's Crossing the Threshold, largely concerned with meditation along with his YouTube channel. I was fortunate to stumble across David on micro.blog and liked the cut of his jib, subscribing was a no-brainer for me.