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We've been unwell for the past week with a rotten flu thing that's going round, feeling like we'd been run over by a truck. It got to the point where we decided to do covid tests last night. They were negative.

I have an initial assessment with Talking Therapies on the 9th October — a getting to know you and see what's bet chat. Will see how that goes and how it compares to what I did last year.

I've been trying to keep a bit busier and get into a better routine with housework etc. but it's still hard. Overall, things are feeling a bit better since upping the meds but I'm definitely better when busy and invested — not just busy.

World of Warcraft is still taking up a lot of time and I'm really enjoying it. I've been farming Tier 8 Delves for gear on both the characters I'm currently playing. The thing with WoW is that it is pure escapism but with continual micro-rewards. I suppose that's why I find it so addictive. Every quest completed, every packs of mobs defeated, every bit of gear collected, it's all a little dopamine hit that keeps me coming back for more.

While my second character may have only been created a few months ago, I have been playing my main for years. There is a huge degree of attachment to him. That and an attachment to the world itself. You spend so long in this other world that it's almost like a second life. It's a bit like the blog; I may get bored or fed up from time to time and stop but I always come back.

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