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3 comments: click to read or leave your own

There are a lot of interesting people doing weird and wonderful things on the internet but, in our normal daily lives, we are exposed to so few of them. Such a shame.

In his latest podcast, my good buddy Jay advises us to make something to your taste. Forget about everyone else, just be honest with yourself.

It reminds me that things have become very static around here. My ongoing mental health issues aren't helping but I've stopped experimenting, stopped trying to do different things. This time last year I started messing around with a map-style look for the homepage — just to be different — but removed it soon after. More recently, my only coding has been fixing bugs rather than trying to do anything new.

While I love the site and am really proud of what I've built, I'm getting a bit bored with things and want to do something fresh and exciting.

I don't currently have the patience or head space to redesign things; it would be a major undertaking to come up with a new look. The styling is so integrated with the layout that changing one would mean redoing the other.

Maybe it's not the look. Maybe I just need to rethink how I do all this even if it's not "yelling over crazy drums". 1

  1. you need to see the comments to Jay's cast on YouTube to get the reference 

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

I like what the artist Brian Rutenberg says: "Do what makes you feel the most like yourself".

Chris Lovie-Tyler replied:

I've lined up that podcast episode to have a listen to. Thanks!

Colin Walker replied:

Good advice

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