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I was back at the doctor's today for my four-weekly check-in. Long story short, I've been signed off for another four weeks and had my dose of sertraline doubled as it's not really been doing anything. At least, I don't think so — it doesn't feel like it.

But that's the problem I always have: what are things supposed to feel like? I have no real frame of reference. There is no manual, no user guide for any of this and, if there was, everyone's copy would be different.


I'm still waiting to hear back about my autism/ADHD referral but, knowing that the timescales are stretched, I'm not expecting anything soon. In the meantime I'll keep treating myself as though I am. That's all I can do and it will help me navigate the world from that perspective.

The results of my MRI came back (although the hospital didn't actually notify me or the doctor) and I mostly get an 'all clear' except a cryptic mention of "precuneal atrophy". No explanation was provided beyond it being non-specific and potentially a result of natural aging. The doctor is obviously not impressed and is going to follow it up asking if it's something we need to keep an eye on.

While I'm not sure if it will help I have agreed to self-refer for talking therapy. I have completed the form this evening so now need to wait for someone to contact me.

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