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2 comments: click to read or leave your own

I started a new track a few days ago and came to work on it yesterday afternoon. The session didn't go well — things weren't flowing. So, after a few hours of scrolling through presets I gave up.

After tea, I thought I'd have another try but instead wote almost a complete new track and finished it this morning. That's just the way it goes sometimes.

Here's a quick snippet:


# The new track is called "Self Doubt" and is now live on Bandcamp.

Self Doubt cover image

# So happy that Southampton FC will be back in the Premier League next season. Must admit to also having a bit of trepidation after our last season there. Much to be done over the summer but let's enjoy it for now! 🔴⚪🔴⚽

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

I assume Southampton is your local team?

Not at the same level, but I'm excited that we've got a new A League (Australia/New Zealand) team, Auckland FC, kicking off in October. Funded by Bill Foley who owns AFC Bournemouth. I don't expect them to do amazingly in their first season, but still great to have an Auckland pro team again. Nice kit too: 😊

Colin Walker replied:

Yeah, used to be when I was growing up then you don't just change your team 😆

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