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Pinned posts are now a thing. It didn't take too long to add.

When logged in, each post will have a 'pin' icon – clicking this uses HTMX to pull in the code to set the pinned option in the database and swap the icon to 'unpin'. When the blog page loads it checks each visible post to see if it is pinned in order to display the right icon and link.

The home page checks the option in the database and displays the relevant post in the same manner as the latest posts. Simple!

Pinned Posts
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I had a strange dream last night.

The Beatles got off a train and, whilst walking along the platform, heard a commotion. It wasn't anything to do with them but an argument in the station café. One of the staff, Nigel, was an aspiring musician but a customer was saying that Nigel would never amount to anything and live in obscurity.

The Beatles walked into the café and Paul said "What are you talking about? Everyone knows Nigel!" The customer scoffed so as he was leaving John shouted "Hey Nigel, tell them about the party and what happened with the dog."

Nigel proceeded to spin a yarn about them all getting exceptionally drunk at a party during which a dog urinated on some bread. One of the guests was too inebriated to realise and just thought it was a bit damp so waited until it dried so he could have some toast for breakfast.

John seemed particularly impressed with Nigel's improvisation saying "Fair play to him" as the group walked off down the road.

Many years later Paul got off at the same station. Approaching the café he heard someone playing a guitar: sure enough, it was Nigel. As luck would have it, Paul had his guitar with him so snuck into the café and started playing along with Nigel.

There were tears, laughter and hugs all round.

I don't always remember my dreams
nitinkhanna says: Reply to nitinkhanna

@colinwalker that's an awesome dream! Is it now one of your favorites? Also, who were you in the dream?!

Colin Walker replied:

I'm not sure, I just seemed to be observing it all like a floating camera.

Poorchop says:

I wish that my dreams had a coherent narrative like that instead of something like me having a conversation with a living marshmallow Peep where it's telling me something that makes no sense like to mind my own business as it kneads dough in the laundry room of my childhood home.

Colin Walker replied:

Sounds perfectly normal to me 🤣

nitinkhanna says: Reply to nitinkhanna

@colinwalker nice!! Good vantage point!

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