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 I found code-input – a simple textarea overlay that works with prism.js – so now have syntax highlighting:

Syntax Highlighting in File Editor

A few more tweaks and it's done.

 And file search is now a thing:

What started out as a quick idea has become a useful tool. If I can get syntax highlighting working then it'll be all I need.

 A quick change to the file editor for deleting directories:

Empty directory listing with trash can

Only if a directory is empty will it display a trash can. Non-empty directories cannot be deleted.

 For when you can't get to an FTP client:

Something to do when you're bored 😆

It can create new files and directories, delete files (I need to think about the UI for deleting directories) and edit what's already there.

The editor doesn't do anything flash like syntax highlighting but maybe I'll add that in future if I find a simple, lightweight library. I might also look to add a file search and generally pretty things up a bit.

 New feature for the site.

I was looking at On This Day and the Archive and thought there was no easy way to choose a specific date.

Introducing the date picker.

Hit the icon in the footer, select your date and you'll be automatically taken there.