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How time flies! Today is the third anniversary of switching to my custom CMS (b)log-In. I'm still so proud of it and glad that I made the move away from WordPress. I've learnt so much in the last three years, forgotten some of it, but know there's still a long way to go.

As ever, the past year has seen more changes, additions and removals – see the one and two year anniversary posts for past updates. Things continue to develop as I have more ideas/steal them from other people 😉

This past year has seen the removal of /start as it wasn't really working the way I had envisaged. The homepage 'map' came and went but the visual tweaks that accompanied it have stayed. I also decided to hide the date picker as I just wasn't using it.

/reader continues to develop, first with the /updates view (just a list of feeds with new or updated posts) and /podcasts which shows those items with audio enclosures. My private notes page goes from strength to strength with fully interactive checkbox lists and reminders. I also brought over the 'custom pages' feature from hyblog and built a DIY markdown preview system as well as an in-browser file editor for those times when I don't have access to FTP.

Finally, there is the Bluesky integration with cross posting of most items and fetching replies.

Who know what the next 12 months will bring, what might get the chop or what else I might add. As ever, thanks for being on the journey with me.

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8 comments: click to read or leave your own

Reply to [Note] Rant of the moment:...

From what I recall the WordPress webmention plugin uses a fake reply page (which redirects to the actual comment) so that an endpoint can correctly pull out the right info, otherwise things get confused and the right h-card etc. don't get picked up. I copied that for my site. Are you using that or your own solution?

starrwulfe says: Reply to starrwulfe

Nah, nothing like that– I’m trying to figure out if I can even do it by hand coding everything with u-in-reply-to h-cite, in-reply-to tags like an animal, then running the webmention parser trigger by hand to get it sent out. If there’s a programmatic way to do this once I can understand what’s being done, let me know!

Colin Walker replied:

I think the problem might be that endpoints don't know where to pull from. All you're doing with a webmention is parsing a URL, if that URL doesn't adequately define where the mention is the endpoint will likely get screwed up.

Take this for example:

The ?replytocom=634 parameter tells your Wordpress where to scroll to but an endpoint will just see meaning that it will start looking from the top of the page and pull the wrong details.

I think you need to be sending a more literal URL like to explicitly tell an endpoint where to look.

I could be wrong.

JL Gatewood is Starrwulfe says: Reply to JL Gatewood is Starrwulfe

OK, I screwed up again... I think there's some overlapping div tags the parser is picking up... Sorry to mess up your comments section over here...again 😓

This is what I was aiming for:

JL Gatewood is Starrwulfe says: Reply to  JL Gatewood is Starrwulfe

I see. I think it’s also about telling it where to stop too? As in if I’m missing a div tag somewhere, it’ll put the whole last part of the post in there too. There’s no good markup examples to tell me how to do this, so it’s just been nothing but cat & mouse…as you can see.

I think I better ask Jan about how he's able to do this as I think there's something more I need to be doing, rather than muddy the prestine comment waters over here with tests. 😉

My previous blog system just made separate pagelets for comments and presented them in serial fashion on the enclosing post page; The benefit of having separate URLs totally made things easier.

Colin Walker replied:

Yeah, it's messy. That's why I've not gone deeper than a single level of replies in comments 😉 I could try to work it out at some point but 🤷‍♂️

starrwulfe says: Reply to starrwulfe

ok one laaaaassstt test here. updated the AP plugin to include threaded comments; contributed so that might mean webmentions are also covered too? Please? 🤞🏾

NOPE. oh well.

BTW, My site keeps getting your reply-to post as That’s not right– Am I parsing something wrong here?

Colin Walker says: Reply to Colin Walker

That should be the specific link to a comment but if that's what's coming through it means I haven't updated the code since moving the blog to /blog. I'll need to have a look at it.


Colin Walker replied:

Actually, that looks to be okay: it's the 'fake' link to the "Yeah, it's messy." comment above.

Reply.php redirects it to when browsing but an endpoint doesn't follow the redirect so sees the proper reply info.

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