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Back in May I wrote about being inspired to write a track based on a YouTube comment.

I recorded a test not long after and built on that into June. Then the breakdown struck and I had a massive crisis of confidence alongside the depression and anxiety.

I wasn't sure if I was ever going to release it or even finish it. I had a version that was 80% of the way there but I wasn't entirely happy with it. Now, finally, after sitting on it for five months, I've settled on an arrangement that I'm (mostly) happy with.

You can listen to "Not enough dictionaries to cry" over on BandCamp.

Not enough dictionaries to cry cover image


Chris Lovie-Tyler says:

This is four years old now, and you've probably already seen it, but I thought of you when my wife showed me this the other day:

Who knew barcodes could be so exciting (and musical)!

Colin Walker says: Reply to Colin Walker

Erm, okay 😆

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