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3 comments: click to read or leave your own

We may have a fair amount of light pollution where we live but the strongest geomagnetic storm in years still gave us a real treat.

I've wanted to see the aurora borealis for as long as I can remember and got a bit emotional.

the aurora borealis the aurora borealis  the aurora borealis  the aurora borealis

The pictures have been processed slightly to accentuate the colours and structure. I would have loved to have been out in a dark sky area.

# Got to get up early as going to see the in-laws new home but might try to sneak another peak at the aurora tonight. I have a little tripod that might help get better shots with my phone.

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

That’s awesome. Some people in NZ saw it (Aurora Australis) last night. I might see if I can see it tonight.

Colin Walker replied:

Hope you got to see it. It was a wonderful experience.

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

Unfortunately not. Too much cloud and city light, I think.

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