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After fixing a couple of things with regards to webmentions yesterday I'm now trying to resolve a long standing issue with publishing draft posts using the 'one-click' option:

one-click submit for drafts

Clicking this updates the post to live, sets the correct date and section number, updates the RSS feed and is then supposed to send any webmentions. It uses the same code as making a new post and updating an existing live post but no dice.

It was doing the same thing before the recent changes and I've never been able to work out why so I'm having to test by dumping a load of variables to logs to work out what's going on.

Update I think I've fixed it! Bizarrely, it doesn't appear to have been anything to do with the webmention code itself. Moving the call to update the RSS feed to after sending webmentions (rather than before) seems to have fixed it. 🤷‍♂️

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