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I couldn't sleep so, in the way my brain does, started thinking about how I could tie the homepage map in with the rest of the site.

My initial thought was as a logo but it would be too small. So what else?

How about a watermark:

Map as watermark
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Tracy celebrates twenty years of blogging (albeit with a break but we know what that's like.)

Blogging – regularly writing and self-publishing in public – is one of the most rewarding things I've chosen to do ... having a place to publish made me want to make things worth publishing

Blogging, self-publishing, at your own pace, in your own space on the web is so valuable. Not in a monetary way (although some find jobs and side gigs through their blogs) but in a psychological sense.

As Tracy says, your blog grants you the permission to post – you don't need to ask or rely on anyone else and that is so liberating.

Blogging is more important than ever in these times of social media implosion and division.

Welcome to the big 2-0 club!

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