The company that provides our web hosting had an issue last night resulting in all of our sites, including the blog, being down for several hours. I had to manually generate the Daily Feed this morning – cue more errors that need fixing. This will likely be the norm for the next couple of days.
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@colinwalker I've had that happen more than once with some work-specific software. I stepped out for a coffee before things got ugly...
I went downstairs and made myself a drink before the laptop ended up across the other side of the room. It's a massive sheet with 113K+ rows and Excel just said 'No!' when I tried to do pivot tables and row grouping.
@colinwalker Don't blame you, that really sucks! I've heard enough about pivot tables that I'm quite happy not having to deal with them. Ever.
A few weeks after launching (b)log-In I implemented PHP sessions as part of the revised authentication system and discovered that a custom session.gc_maxlifetime
can be overridden by default settings unless you also specify a custom session.save_path
What I didn't know until yesterday was that setting your own path stops garbage collection from removing dead session files after the maxlifetime – I discovered tens of thousands of session files.
I got bored of clearing them out so created a nightly cron job to delete any session files older than the maxlifetime value (1 day) which will help to keep things under control.