2021/08/01#p1 8 comments: click to read or leave your own World meet Jac. He is a 9 10 week old Pug - Jack Russell cross. He's named after my grandad. Colin Walker
@colinwalker Cute! Congrats.
Cute is right 😆
@colinwalker The cutest! It's great to have puppy photos on the timeline, which requires a regular infusion of new puppies because they grow so fast! /@twweaver
@colinwalker That right there is a weaponized face, as nobody can resist dropping whatever they're doing and staring at it.
@colinwalker welcome Jac!
@colinwalker Greetings, Jac!
So cute!
@colinwalker Ohhh, so adorable! Hello Jac! 😄