"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
Fog helps us see even while it reduces visibility, it creates new shadows and half hides things from view. We take for granted those things around us when we see them every day; fog changes our perspective, makes us re-evaluate and re-appreciate.
@hjertnes For now, I want to get better at it before moving on to something else. What other languages would you recommend?
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I'm working with PHP sessions and have increased session.gc_maxlifetime on the server to 86400 seconds (1 day) but they are still getting killed quickly. The default is 1440 (24 minutes) which is too short for what I want to use them for.
I've read some discussions about how local account settings can be ignored in favour of the main server settings unless you specify a custom session.save_path so I'm giving that a try.
@colinwalker @patrickrhone - So true, it's all about our perspective. Sometimes we just need to see things in a different light.