# Dark mode for the blog is now ready (I think I've caught everything) and you can toggle between light and dark using the circle in the top right .
Thanks to Pat Dryburgh for the pointers on getting session variables working.
# Dark mode for the blog is now ready (I think I've caught everything) and you can toggle between light and dark using the circle in the top right .
Thanks to Pat Dryburgh for the pointers on getting session variables working.
@colinwalker This looks great, I would always go fo the dark mode. Well done! ??
I think the selection is not sticky for the device yet though. I always like how @gruber allows the font for daringfireball defined once and remembers it for long. Must be a very simple cookie.
@amit It’s a JavaScript session variable so stays while you have that tab open. It didn’t want to use cookies.
@colinwalker very nice
@colinwalker understand. Looks amazing though. Kudos! ??
That's cool, Colin. I like it!
This is fun. ✨
I thought so ?