# 22 years ago today I married the love of my life and here we are, still going strong.
Happy anniversary!
# Always feels like coming home.

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Chris really drills down on the power of webmentions here. Their scope is often underestimated.
@colinwalker Congratulations to you both, Colin!
@desparoz Thanks Des ?
@colinwalker Congratulations! All the best!
@colinwalker Congratulations to you both!
@colinwalker ? congratulations! Here's to many many more ?
@svens Thanks Sven ?
@eli Thanks Eli ?
@matthew Thanks mate ?
@colinwalker Happy anniversary!
@marramgrass Thanks Mark ?
@colinwalker Congratulation to you both have a great day.
@colinwalker Congrats! Looks like we share an anniversary.
@scientifics Then it is also congratulations to you ?