# I'm re-pairing the Apple Watch just so I can test out auto-unlocking on the MacBook. Is that a good enough reason?
Sonant Thoughts - Episode 36: The Power Of Ecosystem
There is a definite advantage to having multiple devices within the same ecosystem. The interconnection between them grants an added layer of utility each cannot provide on their own.
Rather than looking for a killer app or feature, the sum of these little connections could be the difference between using a device or not.
I'm re-pairing the Apple Watch
@colinwalker Its pretty cool. Works about 95% of the time, so occasionally you need to punch in the password. Not dissimilar to Touch ID on iPhone/iPad where you need to punch in the code every now and then.
@desparoz Just tested a few times and worked okay. Not sure exactly what I was expecting but it feels slower than it should.
@colinwalker obviously Touch ID will be the fastest approach.
I do like the interconnectedness of the devices.
@desparoz Mid 2015 so that's no an option ? but, yeah, the power of ecosystem is extremely attractive. I've not used Handover yet either.
@colinwalker I don't have a Touch ID MacBook, either. Not sure I ever will—my world is moving steadily towards big screen desktop at home with iPad(s) Pro out and about.
@colinwalker I've used handover once. It was magical...I've never used in since because I leave Bluetooth off on all my devices ?