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... there’s never been a blogosphere. The one he [Venkatesh Rao] remembers and was a part of isn’t the one I remember and was a part of before 2007. Blogospheres pop in and out of existence like particles from the quantum vacuum, fusing and splitting, crossing paths and diverging.

My blogosphere was one of personal journaling, internet activism, and writing yourself through the alien landscape we found ourselves in on 9/11. Rao’s apparently was one of… shitposts?

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When I returned to the blog in March (after a short break) I disabled the live RSS feed and opted for a single post per day, divided into sections if needed. It works but I remarked that the downside was that any comments couldn't be targeted.

That wasn't the only issue.

A single post isn't practical when sending likes or other webmentions — in those cases it really needs to be from a discreet post.

As such, I will use a hybrid approach: each day will be a single post unless the situation warrants multiple posts. The daily feed can handle that but the live feed won't be making a return. 1

  1. at least not for the immediate future; beyond that, who knows  

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