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After another break, I've been wanting to come back to the blog but been struggling with what to write, what to say. It's all seemed a bit pointless but I know that writing is part of how I deal with things so I should get back on the horse.

I thought I'd trick myself into it by distracting myself with code. I initially considered repurposing my Sparks idea as a different way of approaching blogging, but why go through the hassle of building something new when I could just tweak what I already had.

With that in mind, I instead chose to simplify the current blog structure:

  • return to one post per day which is updated as the day progresses 1
  • scrap the live RSS feed and just use the daily feed to include each day once complete
  • scrap social integration

With no live feed, posts will not be fed to in the same way. I have redirected the live feed to the daily feed but was using a custom version of it, I may think on this further. Also, Bluesky cross-posting and the retrieval of replies has been removed. The code itself is not completely gone (and I have kept a version of the blog page pre-changes) but will not be triggered.

Having a single post per day goes back to my ideal blogging setup. I first started down that path at the end of 2020 but, obviously, this didn't last long after the move to my own CMS in Jan '21 - a shame in some ways. There is one downside to this, however, a single daily item means that comments can't be targeted to individual parts of the post, but I think the trade off is worth it if the whole thing gets me writing again.

# There will be more changes coming (simplifying the layout, CSS, etc.) so things might get a bit janky while I work on it all. I'm not sure what I can do or where I can take it within the confines of what's already there. To do something different maybe I would need to go down the route of reworking Sparks but that feels like avoiding the actual issue by just burying myself in code.

# Individual post sections are now linkable, so that's something restored from the first time round.

  1. This is how things used to be for a while on WordPress before I switched to (b)log-In 

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