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I've rolled into the second week of my time signed off work without much of a second thought.

I've been feeling a bit "better" but know the way I've been living this past week is not sustainable. The walks cannot happen in the same way. The relative freedom will disappear once I have to go back to work.

I don't really notice any difference in being off the vortioxetine and that's how I know for certain they weren't working for me this time. There's not been any appreciable 'come down'.

Yesterday was an artificial high because of the tattoo. My wife said I need to do more things that excite me (I added the quote "do one thing a day that scares you") but that is also not sustainable. Either way, excite or scare.

You have to be okay with a certain amount of mundanity, with knowing that not every day will spark intense feelings or emotions. The problem is that mundanity itself scares me. It's not just mundanity itself but how easily I get pulled into it, how readily I can adopt the habit of doing nothing beyond the mundane.

This is obviously why the doctor insisted on establishing some kind of routine so that the days don't all merge into one.

# I've hopefully fixed some of the niggles with the site. The server migration meant I had to resolve a couple of issues and I sorted a couple of others while I was there.

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