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It's funny how times change. On this day in 2017 I wrote "I now couldn't move away from iOS and be completely happy with my experience." But move away I did and I currently can't imagine moving back to iOS and being completely happy with my experience.

My last iOS device was the iPhone X — a great phone — but I have stayed with a succession of Android devices since, most recently Samsung's.

While I am in the mood for a change it won't be back to an iPhone. Instead I'm considering a Pixel (probably the 9 Pro XL) as my next phone.

# No sooner had I written that I had been feeling "better" that the words came back to bite me. The past couple of days have been tough with me feeling like I want to cry almost all the time.

Tears of joy, tears of sadness, tears of frustration, tears of no meaning nor consequence.

I'm in no doubt that it's down to the meds leaving my system after almost a week without them. All my emotions seem heightened to the point where I almost can't cope. I imagine this is how Data felt in Star Trek when his emotion chip overwhelmed his positronic brain.

It's a new feeling for me.

I hadn't realised how much the vortioxetine was regulating (or should that be numbing) things.

Some of the blurb I've read for sertraline says that it doesn't numb the emotions like other SSRIs and just makes you feel more … you." The main difference between that and other SSRIs appears to be with side-effects. Time will tell on that count.

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