I had to make some changes to my webmention endpoint as it either wasn't getting the right info under specific conditions or throwing an error. 1
I jumped into Postman to spoof a few mentions and managed to get to the bottom of it (the joys of multi-dimensional arrays.) The sending and receiving of webmentions is the easy bit, making sure you get the right information from the source URL, however, is not so simple – especially when there are so many different implementations.
On a side note, Jan-Lukas posted about a web-based, Postman alternative called Hoppscotch that can be self-hosted. Personally, I'm okay with having an account on Postman to save my workspaces but it's always good to have options.
After a brief email exchange, I started re-reading my ebook It's Only Words. I knew there were some mistakes and the odd missing word but it struck me how ... wordy it was and how horrendous some of the sentence structures were, with endless clauses and way too many commas.
I want to self-publish it at some point (even if it's only on Kindle) so will need to give it a major re-write. I think I was so relieved to have finished it that I bypassed a full review/editing phase of the project. Hopefully it won't take me another 7 years to get round to it.
Ignore the sound of traffic, the incessant white noise. Acknowledge it as a baseline then filter it out. Go deeper. Notice. Ignore the shouts of the children; the younger ones fighting among themselves, and their elder siblings urging them to keep up. Go deeper. Observe. Hear the tap, tap of a pigeon as it picks berries from a branch. The rustle of a squirrel jumping between the trees, stopping briefly to watch you pass. The cacophony of the fighting blackbirds as they fall from their contested perch, then fly their separate ways, screeching their indignance. The robins serenading the oncoming evening. Go deeper. Experience. Enjoy.