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 I realised there was a fundamental flaw with my podcasts view for /reader:

tracking progress.

If I were to close the browser or refresh the page each audio tag would reset to 0 and I'd have to seek through until I found where I was.

Not any more...

Various attributes of the audio tag are accessible via script including, importantly, currentTime.

The page, like /reader itself, is public so I run a check to see if I'm logged in. If so, a script will periodically (every 10 seconds) check the value of currentTime and, if it has changed, write that to the database entry for that item.

Likewise, if logged in, I check against the database for the last recorded time and set that on page load. This means I will only ever be a maximum of 10 seconds out should I accidentally close the browser or navigate away.

 Now that I've got everything working properly (and shouldn't be hitting any rate limits) I wanted to detail how the Bluesky integration is all set up.

As I mentioned before, I'm using Clark Rasmussen's simple BlueskyAPI library but have now forked it – more on that later.


When posting to the blog (except for certain conditions) I will send it over to Bluesky – I'll strip tags and decode any HTML entities then check the post length. For anything over 275 characters (Bluesky has a limit of 300) the post gets truncated at the nearest full-stop and a link card generated:

$args = [
  'collection' => '',
  'repo' => $bluesky->getAccountDid(),
  'record' => [
    'text' => $htmlcontent,
    'createdAt' => date('c'),
    '$type' => '',
    'embed' => [
      '$type' => 'app.bsky.embed.external',
      'external' => [
        'uri' => $postlink,
        'title' => $title,
        'description' => 'Read the full post on the blog...',

If I decide to have a featured image (add the 'feat' class to it) this gets uploaded via the uploadBlob endpoint:

$body = file_get_contents($imageUrl);
$response = $bluesky->request('POST', 'com.atproto.repo.uploadBlob', [], $body, 'image/'.$imgExt);
$image = $response->blob;

$embed = [
  'embed' => [
    '$type' => 'app.bsky.embed.images',
    'images' => [
        'alt' => $imageAlt,
        'image' => $image,

I can then add it as the thumbnail for the link card:

$args['record']['embed']['external']['thumb'] = $image;

Or, for a short post, have it as a normal image:

$args['record'] = array_merge($args['record'], $embed);

The post is submitted to the com.atproto.repo.createRecord endpoint with the relevant body ($args), I get the at:// address of the item on Bluesky and attach it to the blog post in the database.


When viewing the blog, if a post has an at:// address attached this will get passed to the app.bsky.feed.getPostThread endpoint with the required thread depth (currently 2). If the returned data includes replies I pull out the array and reverse it (Bluesky has them newest first) then recursively get the author, avatar and content of each to be displayed under the post comments.


I was having a problem hitting the rate limits on the com.atproto.server.createSession endpoint so needed to be able to reuse sessions. This is where forking the library comes in.

When creating a session I now save the API refresh token (refreshJwt) to a PHP session variable. Instead of going straight to 'createSession' I check if the session variable exists and pass it to com.atproto.server.refreshSession to get a new apiKey. I've read that atprotocol refresh tokens last for 2 months so I could technically save them to a more permanent location (the database) but this is easiest for now.

If no refresh token exists (or one has expired – unlikely) then a new session is created as normal. Much better.

 Finished removing jQuery, feels good to streamline things a bit more.

I found a couple of things that weren't working (even with jQuery) so removed them – must have been stuff I introduced before some of the more recent changes.

The only place jQuery is still used is in my SPARKS installation. It's not part of the site itself (and I don't actually use it) so there's no point taking the time to remove it.

 I added a quick and dirty keyword search to /reader to find things within the current cached items, checking against both post titles and content.

It's not overly fancy and the look can be improved but it does the trick.

Build first, iterate after.

 The subject of item categories in RSS feeds came up in an email conversation.

While I have 'labels' I rarely use them except for certain, specific situations and this hadn't translated to categories in the feed.

I've added a quick check (only an additional 9 lines of code) to fetch any applied labels and write category elements to items where applicable. This post has the 'meta' label so I'll see if it gets passed to the feed as a category.

It worked Success!