Nobody does pomp and pageantry like us Brits – even when it's scaled down. 🇬🇧 👍‘
I have been thinking more on the idea of "Posts I didn't write", wondering where it might take me or how it might work in practice. Would it be almost like a public drafts section? Or just a list of topics that I had been thinking about but declined to comment on?
I am reminded of a wonderful turn of phrase from Amit:
When words not published burden my mind, it is worthwhile to make way for them.
For, as he rightly says, "writer's block boldens itself in the drafts section." But it's not just writer's block, I think the tendency to leave things unsaid is also exacerbated by them languishing in a state of perpetual draft. Their moment passes and the urge to share recedes with time.
I still have the Garden, which was supposed to be my staging area, but never use it. It has grown stale and I think I now resent its unfulfilled promise – a reminder of what could have been, populated by the ghosts of old ideas. I stepped away because it was this separate space and I wanted everything held directly within the blog. It takes me out of where I am, requires a different set of searches and queries.
Quite contrarily, I keep returning to the notion of bringing the custom page feature over from hyblog and having this be somewhere to thrash things out, make notes and gather the raw materials for later construction. Maybe they would stay as raw materials, just so many unused building blocks, but available for all to fashion things from.
How, though, is that different to what I already have?
The Garden was the product of an earlier methodology. I have moved on, both mentally and temporally.
Building something new, something more aligned with my current ethos, might act as its own catalyst. Maybe a new approach could better integrate with the rest of the site. Maybe that integration is not the right path to take.