I have been using Alfred as a Spotlight replacement on the Mac for about 5 years but never really to its full potential. It's come in handy during that time but, for the little I actually use it, I can't justify upgrading to the latest version.
Chris Coyier posted about Raycast, a free alternative, and I was curious as to what it could offer. Aside from being free. 😊
After a short exploration I've made the switch.
A lot of it is essentially the same but the Store has so many extensions available that can be really useful. I've installed extensions for Arc, Bitwarden, GitHub, window management, among others, and a cool colour picker that let's you grab the colour of anything on screen.
The Arc browser implemented a nice feature to add any site as a search engine and easily access it from the Command Bar (Jim Nielsen wrote about it here) and you can replicate this exactly in Raycast. I imagine Arc copied it from Raycast but, either way, it's good to have exactly the same behaviour both inside and out of the browser.