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2 comments: click to read or leave your own

I'm curious about HTMX so may start looking into it and whether it will hold any benefits for the site. I'm using AjAX in a couple of places and some CSS transitions but wonder if it might simplify things while also letting me do more elsewhere. 🤔

Any thoughts, opinions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Preslav from Feedle says: Reply to Preslav from Feedle

HTMX is the best thing that has ever happened to the developer community for a long time. Funny to say it, because HTMX is nothing technically new other than bringing a bunch of tried and proven ideas in a fresh packaging.

We are using HTMX in Feedle ( - it powers up the search experience, and it is interactive enough to keep the visitor engaged without having to switch between pages over and over again. For a small team like ours, it has brought the perfect balance between focusing on building a solid backend and just enough user experience so that the site becomes engaging. Obviously, it won't working for a heavy-frontend-focused apps like Figma, but i doubt that we are ever going into that realm.

A total recommendation from my side.

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks for recommendation. It really seems like it could simplify a lot of what I'm doing and give me more flexibility elsewhere.

Oh, and I think feedle is great! I've been using it on and off since stumbling upon it recently and think it will be a regular part of my routine.

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