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Return of the ...

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Living dead?

Take your pick. It feels more like the last one sometimes.


I think I'm about ready to return to the blog properly and made the last of the big changes required to facilitate that: a new home page is now live with a few links and extracts from the three latest (public) posts. I'd appreciate any thoughts on whether it serves its purpose, needs changing or anything added.

What else would you want to see there?

Last time I wrote that I wasn't going to say too much but the time is now right. I am in the process of organising proper, professional counselling for my mental health issues having recently been re-diagnosed as having depression with anxiety. I am also going to be exploring the possibility of an autism diagnosis.

What we thought might have been long Covid has been identified as the physical manifestation of that anxiety and depression.

The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that using the blog as a public journal is the right thing to do. It won't be all about the journey, there'll probably be the usual nerdy stuff, but I'll at least have some kind of focus again.

That can only be a good thing.

I have been thinking about CJ Eller's post "Being the cause of a blog" and it made me realise that I miss, maybe need, that again.

You write something and then it appears on the internet for all to read. You are the thing which just caused that to happen.

Having the reliability of being able to make stuff happen, the control it gives over something when you feel like you have none elsewhere. It can't be overstated.

I'm not sure if this will be the last RSS Club post before returning properly but I will definitely be keeping them going as I love what they enable. Not everything needs to be fully public and the notion of having a little exclusive community around something as simple as RSS is great – no extra technology needed.

See you on the blog!

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