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In the latest edition of Subtle Maneuvers, Mason Currey quotes the artist Charles Ray:

I don't see sculpture as a “practice”–I'm almost allergic to that word. My dentist has a practice; I have a behavior. For me the activity of making sculpture is a mental and physical behavior.

It prompted him to write "I'm not sure if I totally understand the distinction".

For me, the distinction between a practice and a behaviour is intentionality. A practice is something deliberate, repeated, steps towards something to be strived for, whereas a behaviour is automatic, instinctive, innate, just something you do as a matter of course.

Perhaps the goal is to so deeply internalise a practice that it becomes a behaviour, something as natural as breathing.

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

That's a good way of distinguishing it, Colin.

Although I can't remember who, I came across another artist who hated the word "practice". I think he just felt that it sounded pretentious and instead used the word "work". ("In my work I..." rather than "In my practice I...".) I think I tend to agree, but it doesn't bother me as much as it did him.

Similarly, many painters prefer to just call themselves painters rather than artists. A bit more down to earth.

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brentajones says: Reply to brentajones

@colinwalker Carcassonne is great! My wife and I spent last Thursday-Sunday at a board game convention here in St. Louis. Tried out 28 games.

Colin Walker replied:

Carcassonne was really good fun, reminded me a bit of Alhambra. We're looking to go to UK Games Expo on 4th June so will probably come back heavily laden.

warner says: Reply to warner

@colinwalker I sucked at that game. Can't even remember what it's called

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