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In true "me" fashion, I've been letting things like blogging and my RSS feeds slip while focusing on music.

It's good that I've been able to knuckle down and produce stuff, but equally frustrating that I don't have the head space for my other passions. Even World of Warcraft has suffered over the past couple of weeks.

You know things are bad when the first paragraph of this post was saved as a draft three days ago and I've only just come to finish it.

I've been forced to rethink how I approach things, whether I actually need certain feeds in /reader or just mark them as read to keep the numbers down. Consequently, I've stopped following some — they've been there for ages and are still only there because of habit.

Better to clear them out if they're just gathering digital dust.

On a more positive note, alongside the music, I've actually been able to focus enough to read a book. An actual, physical, paper book! I'm about 100 pages in which is more than I've read in the past year.

It probably helps that the book is about music: it's Adventures in Wonderland by Sheryl Garrett.

I have so many high brow books sat on the shelf that I just can't bring myself to read; there is no way I can currently dive into anything that requires such focus.

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My new E.P. "music in the key of acid" went live over on BandCamp Friday of last week. I'm really proud of both the music and the production.

In keeping with my theme of the year (patience) I spent a lot more time on the mastering and even gathered some feedback before finalising things.

The last track, "no age", features a sample of one of the techno greats — Adam X — who kindly let me use a snippet from his Sonic Groove Podcast.

I'm not sure if the embedded frame above will work in RSS readers but thought I'd give it a try.

# I also finally gathered the tracks from last year together as "The Mental Health E.P."; they sum up the mood swings, self doubt (one of the track names) and too rare moments of clarity through the madness.

It's not all my best work (although my wife says "dictionaries" is the best thing I've ever done) but I'm happy to get it in the format it was always designed for.

One track never made it (The Meds Don't Work) and will, sadly, likely never be finished.

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