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World Mental Health Day. I couldn't let it pass without posting an update.

The double dose of sertraline (100mg a day) has definitely been helping — I've been feeling "better" but I'm certainly not better. Still, it's a start.

I had an initial assessment with the Lancashire Talking Therapies department and they have recommended another round of CBT. I've got to wait 9-10 weeks for the sessions to start. While I wasn't sure what I would get out of more CBT, having sessions with a different therapist (and more targeted) might reveal something different and I might respond in different ways.

I've written before about the frustration of knowing what I should be doing but unable to do it through some kind of self-sabotage. I've asked if this can be one of the focal points for the sessions.

In response to the MRI results I've been referred to the "Memory Assessment Service" just to check that all is okay. Beyond that, I'm still waiting for my autism/ADHD referrals to be processed.

Still treating myself as though I am.

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