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September has crept up on me; August fast disappeared in an apathetic blur. I keep saying I'll do things but days slip by and it's suddenly one of two weeks later and those things still haven't been done.

I still have the urge to change things up with my next phone. It definitely won't be a switch back to an iPhone — my last one was the X so it's been a while.

I've looked at the initial reviews of the Pixel 9 Pro XL and have mixed emotions. While it is definitely the best Pixel phone Google have produced it still appears to fall short in certain areas in relation to other flagships.

My contract ends in February next year, so I can't upgrade until then anyway, by which time Samsung will release the S25 series. The S25 Ultra is supposed to be getting a redesign which might make it different enough to scratch the itch. If not, then I may go for a Pixel but it will likely (by then) be better to wait for the 10 series with the new processor design.

This is a typical reflection of my fickle nature in which boredom hits and I can't settle until that is satiated.

I've reached the point in WoW where I can't really do anything until Wednesday (the UK reset day) when the raid season starts and certain quest chains can be completed. I can spend some time practicing heroic dungeons but that's about it. 1

Not being able to complete certain achievements until then is frustrating — it's almost like OCD. A good way to describe it would be getting to the end of a jigsaw with thousands of pieces only to find one missing which holds a key detail.

  1. I'm levelling a second character but that's largely just a repeat of what I've already done except as a different character class 

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