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True to form, I've gotten completely distracted/obsessed/focused by/with/on World of Warcraft to the exclusion of all else. It's the epitome of my inability to context switch.

I haven't even turned my music gear on, let alone attempt to make any music — I just can't focus on it. The blog has lain fallow and I haven't even written in the Journal since June!

I'm not sure of the point where I've actually been enjoying WoW becomes just playing because it's something I feel I ought to — the new expansion drops later this month and, having not played for a while, I was way behind. I had started a new character for my first run through of Dragonflight and not played my 'main' since the end of Shadowlands so it was good to get him up to speed.

I suppose it's been good to catch up on the storylines that I hadn't yet seen but I've been doing things out of order so it hasn't always made sense.

I'm not sure if it's because or in spite of the new meds but I have been feeling increasingly anxious, almost to the point of panic attacks. Even mundane things like going to the supermarket (something I do all the time) can trigger an episode with no apparent cause. It's still relatively early days on the sertraline and it may settle — I hope so. It might not even be that causing it. 🤷‍♂️

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