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4 comments: click to read or leave your own

Happy anniversary to my wonderful wife! 29 years and still going strong.

We were supposed to be going out for the day but, sadly, I'm isolating in the spare room with a bad case of norovirus.

Celebrations are on hold.

Chris Lovie-Tyler says: Reply to Chris Lovie-Tyler

That's awesome, Colin! 🎉 My wife and I are only three years behind you.

Sorry to hear you're sick. I hope you have a speedy recovery so you can celebrate with your wife.

Colin Walker replied:

Thanks Chris 🙏

Alan Ralph says: Reply to Alan Ralph

Hope you're on the mend soon. I celebrated my birthday last Monday with less than five hours sleep — thankfully, no party or meal out planned so I didn't have to grump or snap at anyone.

Colin Walker replied:

It's my birthday tomorrow and I'll still be isolating 😢 We'll celebrate it all together.

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