The weather definitely affects my mood. Yesterday was a lovely warm, sunny day, the kind of spring day that hints of summer to come. Today is cooler and grey. Not the dark grey of impending storms but a boring, nothing grey – it's just there.
Yesterday, my mood was relatively good. We had returned from hospital the evening before, relieved that my wife didn't have to be admitted. It also helped that I completed a large task for work in Excel. The nice weather almost a confirmation of the relief associated with both.
Today, I have a wall of emails, a further backlog of tasks, and multiple meetings which will prevent me from spending time on those tasks. There is no indication of when we will be able to recruit the people for my team so I'm still doing everything. It's all too much.
The greyness of the day matches and amplifies the greyness of my mood.
It's been just over a week since I went back to the doctor and started on my meds again – just a low introductory dose that will be reviewed after four weeks. I know that it takes a while for them to take effect so I'm not expecting instant results, I certainly don't feel that they're doing anything yet but that's as anticipated.
# I've made a couple of tweaks – why do I sound surprised!
- The latest post on the home page is truncated again with a 'read more' arrow
- The RSS feed once more has a customised version of Matt Webb's pretty feed xsl stylesheet