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Reading old posts from /otd I found myself thinking about the passion required for some and the eloquent turn of phrase used at various points. Consider this on early beta software:

it's an artists sketch before committing to getting the brushes dirty

I started getting jealous of younger me but thought younger me would probably be jealous of what I had achieved with building the site. It's silly really.

What I need is for the two to meet in the middle, for current me to rekindle some of the naive passion that younger me displayed. I'm reminded of the fearless v cautious debate from before.

Living according to any kind of jealously is a fools game, I must be content with what I have now rather than the (possible) loss of what I had then.

I am the same person but I am different. I have evolved, ever changing versions of myself, gradually morphing. Tiny alterations that seem insignificant, if they actually exist at all. Yet they add up over time until I find myself vastly changed. A ship of Theseus.

There must be pride in the journey. I cannot remain the same, no matter how hard I try. Nor should I want to.

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